Liberal Media Wants to Destroy Rep. Mayra Flores Before Midterm Elections

The liberal media is targeting Rep. Mayra Flores. This means she’s doing something right. Flores is a rising star in the Republican Party… and she’s not afraid to take on the liberal establishment. She’s a strong voice for conservative principles. Moreover, she’s becoming a leading voice in the fight against liberals’ attacks on our values.

The twisted dems are doing this because they feel threatened by Flores in the upcoming elections in November. They want to find a way to silence her voice in the media. However, she would not go down without a fight. She’ll continue to stick to what she believes in and tell the American people the truth.

She’s doing something of value for the country, and the liberals don’t like it. They’re trying to shut her down for it. Flores is a conservative Republican who is committed to her constituents. The media may not like her ideals, but she isn’t backing down.

New York Times Calls Flores a Far-Right Latina

The Times article focused on Flores and two other Latina GOP candidates’ values. Specifically on their: 

  • Faith
  • Pro-life views
  • Support for stronger border security
  • Support for President Trump

The paper was referring to them as the extreme far-right. The article also noted Flores’ opposition to Biden’s presidency.

Flores did not hesitate to share her side of the story. She told Fox News Digital in a text, “I am proud of my culture and my beautiful family. I was born in Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico… and raised with strong Conservative values to always put God and Family first.” 

Then, she opened on how the liberal media keeps on criticizing her ideals. Flores added, “I have received only hate from the liberal media and constantly [been] told by the left to go back to Mexico. They don’t support us, immigrants. They only use us for political power and don’t care about our well-being. I am here now, and I won’t allow them to continue taking advantage of my people.” 

Finally, Flores told Fox News that the Times didn’t know anything about her. She said, “The NYT knows nothing about me or our culture. Somos gente de Dios, Familia y Travajo [We are people of God, Family and Work], Si Señor!”

Flores’ Dem Opponent Paid a Blogger to Destroy Her Image Before the Elections

According to NBC News, Dem Rep. Vincente Gonzalez’s campaign paid $1,200 to a Texas blogger to attack Flores. This is to ruin Flores before the elections in November. The blog has:

  • Referred to Flores as “Miss Frijoles” to mock her name and her culture
  • Called Flores a “cotton-picklin’ liar”

Good thing Flores was unaffected by her opponents’ dirty work. She responded calmly on Twitter, “My far-left opponent, Vincent Gonzalez, hired a local blogger to run hateful & racist ads against me!”

Then she added a little humor to her response. Flores said, “But, I love frijoles & I grew up eating frijoles. I am not embarrassed about my upbringings & frijoles w/tortillas de harina is simply the best.”

Flores is seeking reelection in November. She will face Gonzalez and two independents in November. Of course, our patriots will root for Flores because our country deserves a leader like her.

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